Selasa, 12 Februari 2013


PT. TRI DIFTA LUBRINDO, was established in February 2005 as a private company which specializes in Lubricant and in April 2007, we joint with CHEVRON as authorized Distributor of Lubricant with intention, Special Class Service and consistent for good expected end result. We give the best solution on cost efficiency and information is most important

PT. TRI DIFTA LUBRINDO was build base on experience in lubrication specialist supplier to mining company and contractor mining with quality supporting and services our experience staff. We hope in future that we can work together and relationship. We enjoy a reputation of partnership and trust when dealing with customers.

PT. TRI DIFTA LUBRINDO sets itself a part from competitors by striving to achieve industry best practices and keeps itself at the edge by fulfilling promise and providing customer value. In industrial forms a significant share of the volume base of PT. TRI DIFTA LUBRINDO (TDL) across its operation geographies. In most of its areas of operation, TDL is seen strong supplier to manufacture and mining industry, with package offer consisting of both high quality products and service support options.

CHEVRON has developed a CHEVRON Fluids Management package offer for Industry. This package is aimed at developing Industry Best Practice for our customer, ensuring that the customer is degreasing cost and maximum profit through a combination of PT. TRI DIFTA LUBRINDO (CHEVRON) logistic, service and products.
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Selasa, 08 Januari 2013



Contact Us

Contact Us

Head Office :

Fortune Building 3rd Floor
Jl.Raya Mampang Prapatan No.96
Jakarta 12790 - Indonesia
Phone   : 021-7900 414
Fax       : 021-7990 335
Attn      : Mrs. Wahyuni
Hp        : 0812 84 699 866 
              0838 644 66 364
Email    :

Branch Office :
Balikpapan Regency, Ruko New Carribean W4/16
Balikpapan 76114, Kalimantan Timur.
Phone   : 0542 - 8862822
Fax       : 0542 - 8879628

Jl. Propinsi Rt. 001/02 No. 51 Sungai Cuka Satui
tanah bumbu Kalimantan Selatan 72175
Phone   : 0512 - 2062014
Fax       : 0512 - 2062014 

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